9 Ways to Help Cats in 2024

January 2, 2024 | Postive Impact

This new year, do you have a new year’s resolution to help cats or your community? As cat lovers, there are numerous ways we can make a positive difference that not only help cats, but that also help your neighbors, other animals, and the planet. Here are 9 ways you can make a difference in 2024 and beyond. 

Cat with Hearts T-Shirt (60% recycled cotton)
View in store: Cat with Hearts T-Shirt (60% recycled cotton)
  1. Adopt, Don’t Shop: The first step in helping cats is to adopt them from shelters or rescue organizations rather than purchasing them from pet stores or breeders. By adopting, you not only give a loving home to a cat in need but also help reduce the demand for breeders. 
  1. Spay and Neuter: One of the most effective ways to address the issue of cat overpopulation is to spay and neuter your pets. Encourage others to do the same to prevent unexpected litters and reduce the number of cats in shelters. 
  1. Support TNR Programs: Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) programs are essential for managing feral cat populations. Get involved with local TNR efforts or donate to organizations that provide resources for TNR initiatives in your area. 
  1. Volunteer at Shelters: Volunteering at your local animal shelter is a great way to directly impact cats’ lives. Whether it’s socializing with cats, assisting with adoptions, or helping with daily care, your time and effort can make a significant difference. 
  1. Foster Cats in Need: Consider becoming a foster parent for cats awaiting adoption. Fostering not only provides a temporary home for cats but also helps them socialize, making them more adoptable in the long run. 
  1. Donate to Cat Rescue Groups: Support organizations dedicated to rescuing and caring for cats by making monetary donations or donating supplies. These contributions can help these groups continue their vital work. 
  1. Change the Narrative: Let’s work together to break the negative stereotypes associated with being a “crazy cat person.” Embrace your love for cats proudly and encourage others to do the same, showcasing the joy and companionship that comes with being a cat lover. 
  1. Keep Cats Inside to Protect Wildlife: Cats are natural hunters, and their roaming can pose a threat to wildlife, especially birds. Help protect local wildlife by keeping your cats indoors or in an enclosed outdoor space, like a catio, to ensure the safety of both your cats and the local ecosystem. 
  1. Offer Help to Neighbors: Extend a helping hand to neighbors who may need assistance with their cats, such as driving them to vet visits, picking up cat food at the store or cat-sitting while they are out of town. Supporting your community’s cat owners can make a significant difference in the overall well-being of cats in your area.  

As we navigate 2024, let’s come together to make a meaningful impact for our cats, our community, and the planet. In the process, you might just make new friends, experience moments of joy, and discover greater happiness along the way. Together, we can create a brighter future for all.